Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When the marriage gets tough ...

Do you find yourself going ... Going as in leaving?

I will guess not, but what if things get so tough that you need a break from your partner?

I know I sometimes feel that way ... that I can just disappear, runaway or die ... yes, you read right

I know everyone feels like sometime or another ... it might not be in your marriage but in a relationship of any sort ...

What do you do in a situation like this????

Well, I'm no angel and this whole marriage is also new to me still, but many a times I find myself saying things which I later regret having said ... but being married for almost 2 years now has really thought me allot.

I know when the going gets tough in my marriage I am so stressed out and so sad until we sort things out. It actually feels to me like we are not on the same planet or we do not speak the same language. It feels to me like we complete strangers just disagreeing ... and honestly I hate it when things turn out that way.

So I guess most of us have thought about it at least once in our marriage that our partners could die. And maybe there are a few out there that wish that they could just strangle their partners.

It's human nature to think that way, its sort of calms one down when you think about it that way, but actually performing the act is a whole other topic.

What I've learned when the going gets tough in my marriage:
* to keep my distance from my husband, otherwise the argument will never end
* to take a walk outside and just breath in fresh air
* to wait until he is calmed and then speak to him in a calm way telling him exactly how I feel
* and most importantly to be patient, because if I were to pressure him into talking things out it would actually make the situation worse

SO what have you learned in your marriage and what do you do in a (stressful) situation?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Change in plans

Well, initially this blog was started to note my feelings around marriage and for 'secret' letters/posts to my husband, but now I have decided to 'change' this blog into a kind of advice column.

Anything goes ... any topic, from heartache, to breakups, to make ups, to sex ... any topic I feel I wanna post about I will and I will make it 'open' to the public to supply me with comments and feedback ...

My first topic will kick off on Monday ... so until then ... cheerio

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our wedding day

We got married on the 30 November 2007, but the celebration was the 01 December 2007. Sometimes I love being married, sometimes not ...
I guess I'm not the only married woman that feels this way ... all I can say is that it is very hard work being married ... I love my husband alot, but sometimes I dont like him ...
I love the life we share and the son we have ...

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This blog was started by me so that I can hopefully share my experiences and advice with other married women or those considering marriage.

I always thought of marriage as all roses and sunshine, but its not about that. It's about TEAMWORK.

This blog also serves as memory for my DH for when I'm no longer.
